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(written by Libby F. 8-30-00)
she is my angel My bright shining star. She was killed in an accident While in her car. So confident of herself
and others She had lots of sisters and a couple of brothers. So many friends, friends till the end We love her
so More than anyone will ever know. So here I am without her I loved to pretend she was my sister. She was
my coach, my friend indeed Shairice helped me when I was in need. She taught me alot Things like love, happiness,
and to give it all I got. I have to say The day she passed away I love her so much more More than I ever did
before. I didn't know what I had Now that I lost it, I'm very sad. I'd give anything to see her here Teaching
us a brand new cheer. "Hands on hips, Smiles on lips" She taught us how to dance, cheer and do flips. She was
the best Better than all the rest. My favorite coach, my favorite cheerleader Never a follower, always a leader.
I loved her bright spirited touch I love and miss her so very much.

(written by Missy D. 6-22-00)
are the best coach ever, because you think of cheers so clever. Last year you taught us great, because of that
. . . We made it to State! I hope we make it to State this year, because when I stepped on that stage . . . I
never felt fear! I never felt fear because of you. Your heart for cheerleading is so solid and true. I think this
year will be really fun, Yet I will be really sad when it is all done! Thanks, You are the Best.

(written by Lauren T. 4-11-01)
were there when we were in need, You told us to do a good deed. To all be friends and don't fight. You tried with
all you might, When we got out of control, You wanted to go underground like a mole. Thanks to you we made it
to State, We knew, it had to be fate. Soon it will be a new year, Now the beginning is here. You taught us
cheers, You told us not to be afraid and face our fears. And we did. But this year we were not so lucky, Kind
of like a rubber ducky. But a new year is coming, Abd we are all humming. Because we can't wait to see you again.
We all can't wait to stretch and bend. You made us run when we were bad, We could tell you were mad. But then
we realized how much you dedicated you time, But then we thought it was a crime. Thank you for always beng there,
And not having one fear. Suzi,Thank you for a great 2 years!